Brian Crick

Countdown to the IGF

Submissions are now open for the 2012 Independent Games Festival. If I want to submit Tinselfly, I need something ready by October 17th…

…so have a nifty automatic timer thingie!


That’s a little over 100 days away, and given how busy work has been and how slow Tinselfly has been lately, that’s really not a lot of time. Still, I like working under concrete external deadlines, and many IGF submissions are far from done. This isn’t a drop-dead release date.

Given the choice between submitting something that’s not quite there yet and waiting another year… I’d rather just submit something and get on with my life. Or, at least, act as if I’m going to submit something sooner rather than later, and make the call when October comes around.

We’ll see.

With any luck, expect more frequent updates here. 🙂

Copyright © 2017 Brian Crick.