Brian Crick

Girl Wonder

The web site is having a contest to design a banner for their Facebook page. Deadline is this Friday.

I’m not real familiar with the site, my people drawing skills aren’t very good, I think it would be tough to beat the refreshingly tasteful banner they’ve already got, and it’s exceptionally unlikely I’ll be able to crank something out that I think is remotely acceptable in the next three days.

So I’m going to drop every other pet project I’ve got for a bit and give this a shot.

I can always use practice working absurdly quickly. I’d like to finally have a reason to open up my anatomy for artists book and practice drawing oddly shaped body parts like knees, which are plainly visible in your typical superhero costume. And I’d like so see if I can actually design a costume that meets my standards for tastefulness and still retains many of the lines you’d expect from this sort of thing.

It’s something I’ve wanted to try for a while anyway, just to see if I can do it.

I’ve already got a broad idea what I want to do… hopefully I’ll have a rough sketch up at the end of the night.

Copyright © 2017 Brian Crick.