Brian Crick

Parallel Processing

Got outlines for a couple new Scopa cards.

These two characters are going dramatically faster than my previous ones. I’m changing my process a little, and that’s helped.

Here’s what’s different about the process, compared to when I started this project:

  • The outlines are monochrome. While my final product will have multi-colored outlines, not having to decide upon and change colors while drawing allows me to just draw line after line, really quickly. The whole process will end up being draw lines -> color inside the lines -> change line colors based on chosen fill colors. It seems kind of counter-intuitive, to change the colors of your outlines as the last step in your process, but I’m certain that doing that after I’ve decided on the fills will result in less indecisiveness and repetitive tweaking of the outline colors.
  • There are no fills yet. Again, this lets me just draw lines in rapid succession, and later I’ll draw lots of fills in rapid succession.
  • I’m doing two characters at once. If I’m already in outline-tracing or color-filling mode, I can quickly jump into doing the same task on another character, quicker than I could switch to a different task on the same character. You hit kind of a no-mind groove when sticking with a single tool in Illustrator.

So there you have it. All it basically comes down to is batching my work, and doing similar tasks all at once.

Copyright © 2017 Brian Crick.